/BCO-DMO/LipidLubeCarbCycle/KN207-03_ctd --lat_start eq 53.3453-- Level 1

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# CTD profiles from cruise KN207-03
# PI: Kay Bidle (Rutgers)
# Version: 08 Feb 2013
# Notes: 
#  BCO-DMO added cast, date from
#  the CTDlat_start, lon_starters.
#  SUhe CTeadvolts on 0-output is  0-5V sc 0-5V sc 0-5V scale. SUNA range was sets changed to 0- casts 1-17 and was changed to 0-40uM for casts 18-98.
cast  date      time_start  lat_start  lon_start  ISO_DateTime_UTC          
31    20120626  2145        53.3453    -30.7452   2012-06-26T21:45:00Z      
press     depth     temp      temp2     cond       cond2       sal       sal2       O2_v     O2         trans     beam_c      fluor    turbidity  par         spar        nitrate_SUNA  sigma_0   sigma_0_2  potemp    potemp2   sal_diff    temp_diff   cond_diff   O2sat       sound_vel  geopot_anom  
2.000     1.982     12.9527   12.9472   4.060311   4.059835    34.6977   34.7010    2.4626   6.27800    83.9383   0.7003      3.3712   0.6178897  4.9908e+00  1.6167e+02  0.0000        26.1682   26.1697    12.9525   12.9470   0.0033      -0.0055     -0.000475   5.94427     1500.38    -0.027       
3.000     2.973     12.9216   12.9264   4.057820   4.058033    34.7024   34.6986    2.4700   6.30220    84.8546   0.6569      3.3185   0.6427960  4.3517e+00  1.6087e+02  0.0000        26.1779   26.1751    12.9212   12.9260   -0.0038     0.0048      0.000213    5.94792     1500.29    0.133        
4.000     3.964     12.9302   12.9281   4.058462   4.058198    34.6999   34.6993    2.4673   6.29553    84.6854   0.6649      3.3462   0.6134783  3.4099e+00  1.6024e+02  0.0000        26.1745   26.1744    12.9296   12.9276   -0.0006     -0.0020     -0.000264   5.94695     1500.34    0.191        
5.000     4.956     12.9275   12.9245   4.057942   4.057771    34.6970   34.6985    2.4685   6.30367    84.4726   0.6749      3.3659   0.6202051  2.7384e+00  1.5990e+02  0.0000        26.1728   26.1742    12.9268   12.9238   0.0015      -0.0030     -0.000171   5.94739     1500.34    0.222        
6.000     5.947     12.9694   12.9918   4.062826   4.064544    34.7039   34.6984    2.4668   6.29316    84.4821   0.6745      3.3993   0.6145483  2.3366e+00  1.5926e+02  0.0000        26.1704   26.1627    12.9686   12.9910   -0.0055     0.0223      0.001718    5.94197     1500.51    0.261        
7.000     6.938     12.9959   13.0015   4.065052   4.065512    34.7008   34.7000    2.4667   6.28874    84.3978   0.6785      3.3695   0.6128808  1.9609e+00  1.5758e+02  0.0000        26.1624   26.1607    12.9949   13.0005   -0.0009     0.0056      0.000461    5.93886     1500.61    0.396        
8.000     7.929     13.0631   13.0549   4.071938   4.070624    34.7042   34.6995    2.4660   6.27739    83.8366   0.7052      3.4075   0.6507865  1.5703e+00  1.5432e+02  -0.0000       26.1517   26.1495    13.0620   13.0538   -0.0046     -0.0082     -0.001314   5.93052     1500.86    0.648